Spice Up Your Flirting Game with These 25 Sarcastic Flirty Things to Say!

Are you looking to spice up your flirting game with a little bit of sarcasm? Look no further! Here are 25 sarcastic flirty things to say that will surely make your crush laugh and show off your wit.

Compliments with a twist

“You must have a very high IQ because you’re too smart for me to understand.”

“Wow, you must be a great swimmer because you have the body of a mermaid.”

“I’m not sure if you’re a model, but you definitely should be.”

“Your looks could only be improved if you were a character in a movie or a video game.”

“I’m not sure if you’re a celebrity, but I definitely feel like I’m in the presence of greatness.”

Playful teasing

“Are you a magician? Because every time I see you, everything else disappears.”

“If I had a dollar for every time you crossed my mind, I’d be a millionaire.”

“Is it hot in here or is it just you?”

“If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber.”

“I think we have a connection. My WiFi keeps connecting to your phone.”

Flattering jokes

“You must be a ninja because you snuck up on me without me even noticing.”

“I’m pretty sure you’re the only person who can make me laugh just by walking into a room.”

“I’ve never met someone who is as good at everything as you are. It’s almost unfair.”

“I’m pretty sure you’re a superhero in disguise.”

“I think you must be a time traveler because every time I see you, it feels like I’m in the future.”

Sarcasm mixed with flattery

“I’m not sure if you’re a model or just really good at taking selfies.”

“You must be a pro at cooking because you’re always making my heart skip a beat.”

“I’m pretty sure you’re a witch because you have me under your spell.”

“You must be a mind reader because you always know just what to say to make me laugh.”

“I’m not sure if you’re a superhero or just really good at fixing things, but either way, I’m impressed.”

Sarcasm mixed with innuendo

“I think you must be a telepath because you always seem to know just what I’m thinking.”

“Is it hot in here or is it just the chemistry between us?”

“You must be a mind reader because you always seem to know exactly what I’m thinking.”

“Is it just me or does it feel like there’s some sort of electric charge between us?”

“I think you must be a witch because you have me under your spell.”


Sarcasm can be a great way to add some humor and wit to your flirting game. Just be sure to use it in a playful and respectful way and remember that not everyone may appreciate it. But if your crush is into sarcasm, these 25 sarcastic flirty things to say will surely make them laugh and show off your charming personality.

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