These 25 Sarcastic Things to Say When Someone Doesn’t Reply Will Leave Them Speechless!

Sarcasm can be a fun and playful way to inject a bit of humor into a conversation, but it’s important to use it sparingly and with the right audience. It can be easy to come off as rude or dismissive if not used correctly, so it’s important to be aware of the tone of your message and the person you are speaking to.

That being said, these sarcastic responses can be a great way to add a bit of humor to a frustrating situation. Whether someone hasn’t responded to your message at all, or it’s taken them a long time to get back to you, a well-placed sarcastic comment can help lighten the mood and bring a smile to your face.

Sarcastic things to say when someone doesn’t reply

“I see you’re too busy to respond to little old me.”

“I must not be important enough to warrant a response.”

“Wow, I guess I’ll just sit here and twiddle my thumbs while I wait for your reply.”

“I guess I’ll have to start talking to a wall instead. At least it will give me a response.”

“Well, I’m sure you have much more important things to do than respond to me.”

“I didn’t realize the silent treatment was your love language.”

“I must have missed the memo where ignoring me became a thing.”

“I see you’ve chosen the art of ignoring as your hobby.”

“I’ll just assume you’re too good for me and move on.”

“I didn’t realize I needed to send a carrier pigeon for you to respond.”

Sarcastic things to say when someone takes a long time to reply

“Oh, I see you’ve finally emerged from your cave.”

“Wow, it only took you three days to respond. I’m impressed.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it took so long to type out a simple response.”

“I’m guessing you were busy staring at your phone and waiting for me to message you.”

“I didn’t realize my message was such a burden on your time.”

“I’ll make sure to schedule in a week-long waiting period for your response in the future.”

“I’m glad to see you’ve finally found the time to grace me with a response.”

“It’s okay, I’m used to waiting on your royal highness to reply.”

“I see you’ve been too busy living your exciting life to respond to me.”

“I didn’t realize it took so much effort to type out a few words.”

Sarcastic things to say when someone doesn’t reply to a group message

“I see you’re too good to reply to a group message.”

“I didn’t realize responding to group messages was beneath you.”

“I guess you only respond to one-on-one messages with your royal subjects.”

“I’m glad to see you’re too busy for the rest of us peasants.”

“I’ll make sure to send you a personal message next time so you can grace us with a response.”

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25 Hilariously Sarcastic Things to Say in an Argument – #9 Will Leave Them Speechless!

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